Building Futures


The Athletes’ Village is located in the East End of Glasgow and is one of the most significant regeneration schemes ever to have been constructed in the UK.

Delivered by City Legacy, a consortium of Glasgow-based companies that included CCG, Cruden, McTaggart and Mickel and WH Malcolm, in partnership with Glasgow City Council, the development brief required a masterplan that could operate in ‘Games Mode’, where the housing and infrastructure had to accommodate up to 6500 athletes and officials, and then in ‘Legacy Mode’, with the creation of 700 mixed-tenure homes in a mix of social rent (400) and private sale (300).

Before construction, the 88-acre site, situated along the banks of the Cuningar Loop, was a formerly a site of industry and the challenge that was presented to City Legacy was to deliver a housing scheme to a building standard (Scottish Building Regs 2013 for energy performance) that, at the time of being conceived, did not yet exist, applied to a housing mix that could respond to the needs of the end-user including Housing for Varying Needs compliance and a level of specification suitable for the private sale housing market. As a result, a total of twelve house types were conceived comprising 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and 2,3 and 4 bedroom terraced houses.

To achieve enhanced levels of energy performance, City Legacy emphasised offsite methods of construction and a Fabric First approach to building performance that was complemented by renewable technology (solar PV) and low carbon heating (Combined Heat and Power facilitated by a district heating network).

By utilising a building fabric that has enhanced levels of airtightness, thus retaining heat and reducing energy demand, and services, the Village was able to achieve an overall carbon reduction of 95% on 2007 levels.

CCG’s responsibility for the development included the construction of 237 homes, the energy centre and the reinstatement of the homes to Legacy Mode including the installation of kitchens, bathrooms and flooring for the 700 units. Timber window and door sets, manufactured by CCG, were also utilised for the build.

All of the 237 homes were constructed within a 15-month construction programme, a 7-month advance on the contract programme, with a typical terrace of 8 townhouses delivered wind and watertight in 10 days. The applied use of offsite methods of construction, overall, enabled the collective completion of 700 homes in just 700 days whilst CCG Asset Management, alongside Hampton & Steel (flooring), helped contribute to the full build-out of the development in advance of formal habitation.

City Legacy’s outstanding sales effort led to the full sale of the 300 private homes within 18 months; all of the affordable homes were allocated between Glasgow Housing Association (GHA), West of Scotland HA and Thenue HA.

As a result of City Legacy’s involvement in the creation of the Village, the development created a truly lasting legacy of jobs, apprenticeships (86) and work placements (141) as well as donating to local charities and businesses. One such donation was £90,000 to the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice ‘Brick by Brick Appeal’ which comprised £300 for every private property sold at the development.

Glasgow City Council/City Legacy

Contract Value:
£150 million

Winner of 25 industry awards

Ecohomes ‘Excellent’ rating

Queen's Award logo

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