Building Futures


The former Drumoyne Primary School is reinvigorated to become a leading example of affordable housebuilding in the city of Glasgow.

Located on Shieldhall Road in Govan just south of the city centre, the primary school was constructed in the 1930s and remained a popular landmark amongst locals and former pupils for many years until its closure in 2010.

The popularity of the B-Listed building and a focus on preserving a unique element of Glasgow’s architectural heritage meant that an extensive period of consultation took place during the design process in order to establish how the building could be retained by either full conversion or partial retention.

The latter was chosen due to the extent of the building’s disrepair where the entire facade of the former building was retained with a new build flatted block constructed behind. The former janitor’s house was also fully retained to conceive a five-bedroom house and a further range of new build terraced homes was constructed around a ‘community green’ concept with the masterplan ultimately conceiving a total of 49 homes including two-bedroom flats, including 4 entirely wheelchair-accessible plots, and three-bedroom houses each complete with their own rear gardens.

All of the homes, designed by Grant Murray Architects, are let and managed by Linthouse Housing Association for social rent and have been constructed to an enhanced standard of build as a result of CCG’s advanced, offsite Modern Methods of Construction and the use of the ‘iQ’ Timber System. Furthermore, CCG’s main construction activities were supported by internal, divisional expertise with the manufacture of all windows (with the exception of the retained facade) and internal and external door sets; the installation of solar panels, and the integration of multi-utility services.

Alongside the delivery of the project, CCG also undertook a range of community-based initiatives during the construction programme including the creation of 7 new jobs, the support of 7 trade apprenticeships, curriculum support for local schools, and the donation of £7,000 to community projects.

Linthouse Housing Association


Inside Housing Best Regeneration 0-100 Homes Award 2023

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