Building Futures


Queens Quay is the latest phase of regeneration undertaken at the former John Brown Shipyard in Clydebank.

Located on an enviable position overlooking the River Clyde, the shipyard site dates as far back as 1871 when it was started by J & G Thomson before being bought by John Brown & Co in 1897.

It was one of several sites in the greater Glasgow and Clyde area that helped lead Scotland’s, then-bustling shipbuilding industry but more recently, the 80-acre site has now been transformed into a large-scale mixed-use masterplan that includes academic and commercial premises, a new health & care centre, and an 84-bedroom care home [known as Queens Quay House] which has since been followed by the delivery of 146 new, affordable homes.

The new development now creates clear frontage to the busy Dumbarton Road and comprises a mix of one, two, and three-bedroom flats spread across two blocks reaching six storeys. A new public promenade has also been created that connects to a wider network of cycle and footpaths, each helping to support wider integration with the masterplan and local township.

Designed by MAST Architects and constructed over a 2-year programme, the homes were formally completed in winter 2022 on behalf of Loretto, a member of Wheatley Group, Clydebank Housing Association, and West Dunbartonshire Council.

A total of 14 flats were also fully adapted for wheelchair users whilst the entire development is delivered to Housing for Varying Needs standards.

Queens Quay was constructed using a structural steel frame integrated with the CCG ‘iQ’ , closed panel wall zones. This enhanced building fabric is complemented by an entirely renewable, district heating network that is the largest of its kind in the UK.

Managed by Vital Energi, The Queens Quay Heat Pump Scheme uses a Water Source solution that generates energy from the River Clyde. The £20m energy centre connects to an insulated pipe network that distributes heating and hot water services to the development with plots individually served through the use of Heat Interface Units (HIUs) installed by CCG Group member, Arc-Tech (Scotland).

The combination of an enhanced building fabric and the district heating network is designed to help lower in-use energy consumption, lower emissions and tackle fuel poverty.

As part of CCG’s involvement in the project, a number of community benefit initiatives were undertaken during the construction programme. These involved the delivery of:

  • 6 full-time jobs
  • 3 trade apprenticeships
  • 6 work placements
  • Engagement with schools
  • £62,000 investment

Queens Quay was officially opened by the Depute First Minister, Shona Robison, in February 2023.

Lowther, Clydebank HA, West Dunbartonshire Council



  • Scottish Design Awards SILVER for Regeneration 2023
  • Herald Property Award Best Regeneration – Housing 2023
  • Inside Housing Development Awards Best Regeneration 2023
  • Brick Development Association Award ‘Urban Regeneration’ 2023
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