Building Futures


St Andrew’s Hospice is one of Scotland’s leading palliative care providers operating from their Henderson Street home in the town centre of Airdrie, North Lanarkshire.

The registered charity provides inpatient care to those 18 and above and specialist care and support services to people and families suffering advanced, progressive life-limiting illnesses or who have associated complex specialist palliative care needs.

The Hospice set forth an appeal to raise funds to perform an extensive reconfiguration and refurbishment of the building in order to improve facilities for patients in 2016. Following an extensive period of downtakings and part demolition to areas of the building, CCG was able to approach all aspects of the works efficiently whilst the hospice remained operational.

The main body of the works focused on the number of private rooms and whilst they were reduced from 31 to 25, the Hospice is now able to offer an enhanced level of privacy with more efficient use of space, a key aspect when considering accessibility for those with decreased mobility. Multi-occupancy rooms have been retained and upgraded alongside the installation of specialist wet rooms complete with a specialist flooring solution, alongside others,  installed by CCG’s in-house flooring division, Hampton and Steel.

A further improvement on space has been delivered for hospice staff with newly configured office and back-of-house areas as well as a new ward layout which is set to improve the operational capacity in emergency situations.

During the month of September 2017, CCG and our supply chain partners raised £30,000 for the St Andrew’s Hospice Capital Appeal after hosting an ‘It’s a Knockout’ fun day at Strathclyde Country Park.

The fun day involved teams of 10 made up of companies from within the CCG Group and those who work with CCG across the supply chain battling against each other across large, inflatable assault courses whilst trying to avoid falling into large pools of cold, murky water. CCG has also been able to support the appeal through additional support means.

St Andrew’s Hospice

Contract Value:
£9 million

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